Free Professional Home Staging

Ghosh pays for a Professional Home Staging – FULL STAGING! (furniture, accessories, art work included)

Why should you stage your home?

The idea behind home staging is to create the ideal dream home, a model home look. Staged Home is a welcoming but depersonalized space that makes everyone feel as though it could easily be theirs. This means not only removing photos and other personal items, but creating a color and design pattern that could match any furniture and decor.

Your home should have the ‘WOW’ effect the moment buyer opens the front door.

Have you seen all the staging shows on TV or heard the hype about home staging and know you should do something to get ready to sell but think it’s too expensive? It’s true, home staging can be very expensive and not in most seller’s budgets, especially in these tough economic times.

But wait what would you say if I would tell you that is FREE!

(full staging not only a consultation like most agents do).

What is the catch? There isn’t one.

I have developed new ‘Marketing Plan’ that works wonders, both sides are happy: You as a Seller, because you know that your home looks its best and will sell for more and myself , because as a real estate agent, I work in your best interest and you will probably recommend me to your friends and relatives. That is the best advertisement ever!

Home Staging 3 Step Process
How does it work?

The First Step: The Consultation.

This is where we (Halina – the Home Stager & myself) meet our client in their home and get to know them, find out what they are hoping to gain from this experience and if they have any questions about home staging. We will then proceed to start the home evaluation. This process may take 1.5 – 2 hours, maybe even longer for significantly larger homes. We will use our Home Evaluation Handbook to mark off items that apply to the home, as well as make additional notes as needed. We discuss, if colors’ are appropriate, de-cluttering, de-personalizing without impersonalizing. We will make recommendations and items that might be needed to be stored. Once the home evaluation is completed, we will sit back down with the home owners and discuss our top 10 recommendations for the home and develop a preliminary game plan.

The Second Step: The Preparation Work.

During this time we will contact the owners (usually 1-2 days after the consultation) to find out how they would like to proceed with the implementation of the preparation work and develop the actual game plan. Prep work is the basic cleaning, de-cluttering, de-personalizing, organizing, repair, and maintenance issues that were addressed in the Home Evaluation Book. The owners may choose to do the prep work themselves and then give us a call back once it is done to implement the showcasing. If the owners are pressed for time, we may assist them with finding a handyman or a painter to help take some of the items off of the list. This is done only if requested by the owner.

The Third Step: The Showcasing.

The preparation work must be completed before this stage. This is where we will go back and create the focal points, move furniture around so it enhances on traffic flow, rehanging artwork at appropriate heights, as well as doing a final run-through each room to ensure they are 100% ready for your photos. You can only make a first impression once so do not let this opportunity pass you by.

Now your property is ready for my Home Marketing Plan.
You can be assured that your house looks great and smells great.
It is ready to hit the market.
Open the door and let those Buyers come in.